Friday, February 25, 2011

Engineers do not make ideal boyfriends/husbands

Editor's note: This 2 blogpost series on Engineers are full of sterotypes, well, hope you were tickled pink by them and not be offended! Especially our friends in engine :) " 

Before we start, lets have a Engineer Identification Test (This was from a dibert comic which i saw months back):

Q: You see a picture hanging crooked on the wall, what do you do?

A) Ignore it.
B)  Straighten it.
C) Brainstorm on how to invent a self-adjusting picture frame, which would detect even the slightest tilt, which auto-detects and corrects the fault.

If you guessed C, yes you are an Engineer.

 In our previous blogpost, we talked about how engineers were ideal partners in life (see: ) and of course, this was not fair at all (Because I'm a Business student, figures, doesn't it?)

So we had a shoutout on twitter, and asked for contributions:

@cherylongxoxo: they, um, wear shorts and slippers everywhere?

@behindthebasics they are not cool enough. my bf must be cool... 

Yes, Engineers general believe in function over form & design. ie, the function of a device should be more important that the appearance of it. So to them, the mere purpose of clothes is just to ensure that genitals and/or mammary glands are are decently covered and not freezing in air-conditioned labs. Anything else, is excessive. So there you go: Singlets, Crocs sandals, track shoes paired with jeans, faded tees, anything goes.

 Shirts pants and crocs? Whatever were u thinking of?

over worn and washed tee, the collar's out of shape! 

Photos courtesy of @NTUFJ

Which brings us to our topic on why engineers make bad partners:

1) They hardly bother to dress up: 
You "Honey, I bought this new maroon toga, and this black maxi; which one shall i wear it to our anniversary dinner later?"

Engineer "They all look the same"

"What? you mean i can wear shirts from Giordano for our wedding photoshoot? But i just bought these shirts last month!"

"Do I have to wear a tie to work? Why can't i just wear my tee shirt?"

 @lovesmichie they are too boring! Haha! No offense *peace*

Engineers are boring people? which brings us to the topic of:

2) You can never engage in small talk with them:

Just whipped up medium rare steak, dimmed the lights, lit up some candles and opened the bottle of 1988 Chardonnay, in preparation for a romantic dinner, leading to steamy sexy?

Do not bother to engage in small talk with an engineer: any conversation with them, will end up with why the future of web content is in HTML 5, and javascript and Flash is going down to hell. if not they will talk about why a nuclear fusion is actually possible in a contained environment, then leading on why the future of web content is in HTML 5. And then he will try to explain how C++ programming is going to triumph Java because it supports Containers, Algorithms, Iterators, while Java does not. (Don't worry i don't understand any of these either)

you'd be better off making sweet love to a dildo before he comes home, and asking him microwave the steak for dinner. He'll be glad that you won't be boring him with the latest episode of Gossip Girls.

3) Lousy job titles:
It was mentioned in the previous blogpost that:

An engineer boyfriend can provide you with a secure lifestyle. At 27 years old, an engineer probably has a respectable, stable job that gives him a stable income to own a car, invest, have a comfortable life, and get married and buy a house too.

Yes but no matter how long they work, their job titles will ALWAYS have these few words:

1) Technician; eg Laboratory Process Technician, Field Technician
2) Engineer; eg Software Engineer
3) Analyst; eg Data Analyst, Manufacturing System Analyst
4) Researcher; eg Aerodynamics Researcher
5) Support; Support Analyst
6) Developer; eg JAVA/C++ Developer
7) Operator; eg IT Support Operator, GIA Operator
8) Quality Assurance; Quality Assurance Analyst
9) Hardware/IT; eg Hardware Technician

don't believe? see this entire list of job for engineering students: 

What if you met up with your old classmates and they wanted to exchange namecards, and your husband's namecard reads: Manufacturing System Engineer? Yawnnnn.

What if your husband was in the banking industry, what would his card read? Chief Information Operations Executive. Investment Banker.

Arts? Creative Director. Director of cinematography.

Medicine? The abbreviation of 'Dr.' in his namecard would be able to wow all your friends.

(and btw, my namecard reads Creative Director, just saying :D ) 

and other contributions about Engineers as partners from our twitter friends:

@FinnSolomon: Engineers aren't ideal husbands, because they always disappear after capturing the enemy Construction Yard. (in particular to Red Alert) 

@jemjemejeremy: they calculate EVERYTHING! 

What do you feel about engineers as boyfriends/husbands? Are you dating a EEE(w) or a CB(e) guy?  Let us know through a comment below!


  1. this is interesting! make a post about engine girls too! ;D

  2. You being a business student, I respect your point of view. You are talking in terms of looks, being able to talk to them and what would their job titles look like. Previous post was talking about the future aspects, what advantages do you get from having an engineer as a boyfriend. I do not even see a point of you posting this in the first place. Everything you are talking here are stereotypes.

    1) What you are looking here is how they would wear when they are in school, am I right? Why would one dress up well when they are in school? It's true that they wear sloppily, what seems to be the problem? Must everyone be dressed to impress? Being a engineer, getting your hands dirty, why would one be dressing up. Again stereotypes.

    2)What on earth is this. Have you even talked to an engineering student before? Did all of them talked to you regarding all of the above or did you just make it up? Perhaps too much movies and shows made you think engineers only talk things which are related to themselves.

    3)Lousy job titles? Being engineers doesn't mean they have to be "ALWAYS" engineers for life. They can branch out to other sectors. Engineers can become businessman, designers, etc. Tell me, without engineers, do you think you can comfortably sit on your chair(made by engineers) in front of your desk(made by engineers) in your house(made by engineers) using your computer(made by engineers)?

    It is easier for an engineer to go into business and other sectors as compared to business students going into engineering. People who take up engineering has a upper hand as compared to those who are doing business alone.

    This are just some of my thoughts. :)

  3. Steady.

    I believe most of us from any course of study, won't actually be practising the same field after graduation. That's a fact.

    And no matter how materialistic everyone are, especially in choosing their partner, most of us will just settle-for-the-less in the end. And that's another fact.

  4. In response to keefe_racer:

    If you're so concerned about stereotyping, please go and shoot the previous post as well. There is just as much stereotyping and is even more condescending.

    Regarding the points you have mentioned:
    1) You dress well to school because you ought to show respect to your tutors and others around you.

    2) Refer to the previous post on why engineers are good choices - which of the actual things said about lawyers/doctors etc. are always true?

    3) If they become businessman etc., they wouldn't be called engineers - just like lawyers turned teachers won't be called lawyers.

  5. my response to Aaron and keefe_racer: seriously, this article is nothing but a joke, no need to take that seriously...

  6. LOL i face-palmed myself on reading the comments. anyone who went anywhere beyond taking this as simply a joke is completely missing the point.

  7. I adore your previous post about engineers being the ideal bf.

    The stereotyping is not true in this era. These days, you will only find perhaps a percentage of them being truly 'engineer'.

    Some are just too brainy to do any real 'engineering' work so let's just keep them at the terminal/labs/simulation/modeling/research/papers whatever.

    Some are just engineers (like me) who got cheated into the wrong course (boy, engineer, high pay boy, job security boy etc)

    Most study engineering but are not engineers; we are just being trained that way, way back when we are being intensely drilled on Mathematics and Science during our youth. People just continue doing what they have been taught and the only they know.

    So no, a lot of 'engineers' these day are quite your typical human being. They are just labeled engineers because of their piece of scroll.

  8. I want to marry an engineer!!!!! Always have!!!
